Learn How Make Robots Hear and Localize Sound Sources

A MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), on Binaural Hearing for Robots will start on May 11th, 2015. It will adress fundamental issues in robot hearing and will describe methodologies requiring two or more microphones embedded into a robot head, thus enabling sound-source localization, sound-source separation, and fusion of auditory and visual information (see video below).
This MOOC was produced by Inria’s MoocLab, as part of the uTOP project (http://utop.fr/ – http://utop.inria.fr/). It targets students with good background in signal processing and machine learning and is also valuable to PhD students, researchers and practitioners who work in signal and image processing, machine learning, robotics, or human-machine interaction and who wish to acquire novel competence in binaural hearing methodologies. The course material will allow the attendants to design and develop robot and machine hearing algorithms.
If you are interested to attend this course and to get credits, please register here (registration is free but mandatory) : https://www.france-universite-numerique-mooc.fr/courses/inria/41004/session01/about
You can also find the latest news about the “Binaural Hearing for Robots” MOOC by following the hashtag #moocrobothearing on Twitter.
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