Is Roomba Able to Go Over Threshold Dividers Between My Rooms?
In theory, vacuum robots can go over threshold dividers up to 1 inch (~2.54 cm) high. This is why Roomba and friends have their main wheels mounted on springs.
In practice, vacuum robots can easily go over flooring transitions that are less than 1/2 inch high (~1.3 cm). But, thresholds that are 3/4 inches (~1.9 cm) high or more, need to have rounded edges. Otherwise, the vacuum robot might bounce on them.
The video shows a Roomba going over doorsteps of different thicknesses, but all with sharp edges. The robot get stuck sometimes with dividers that are that is 0.7 inches (~1.8cm) high. Though it always manages to free itself.
My iRobot just recently stopped moving over my threshold, has been going over them for several years, can’t figure out how to fix
Ours constantly gets stuck out thresholds that are rounded and a bit over a quarter inch.