Category: DIY & Tutorials

A Robotic Elevator using Lego & Arduino – Part1

A Robotic Elevator using Lego & Arduino – Part1

Part 1 (current): Mechanical Design Basics. Part 2: Balancing the Elevator. Part 3: Electronics (optocoupler, H-Bridge, and more) Part 4: Software to control the Arduino Recently, we scavenged an old Lego Mindstorms 1.5 set. It’s fully functional, but the RCX 1.5 Lego software is obsolete and does not run on recent Operating Systems. Besides, the […]

Sensor Scanner for Android: List and Watch your Smartphone Sensors

Sensor Scanner for Android: List and Watch your Smartphone Sensors

It is no scoop that Smartphones are attractive for robotics. They gather in a small case a display, wireless for communication, computing capabilities, and a bunch of sensors. That’s cool! But, you might be using a secondhand device, and you don’t know what sensors are available, or you may want to check if any is […]

Ready to Use Virtualized ROS Groovy

Ready to Use Virtualized ROS Groovy

UPDATE: You might want to use a more recent version of ROS: Hydro Medusa (released on September 2013). See the corresponding post: Virtual Machine with ROS Hydro Medusa Pre-Installed. Install procedure unchanged. ROS Groovy was released on December the 31st, 2012. For those of you who just want to quickly experiment with it, we provide […]

Ten Top Roboticists at Collège de France, Paris

Ten Top Roboticists at Collège de France, Paris

As we announced in a former post, the Collège de France hosted in Paris a two days seminar with 10 among the world’s most prominent roboticists. For those who couldn’t make it, the videos are available online. We provide below the links as well as a short summary of each talk. Pr. Jean-Paul Laumond: Welcome […]

Virtualizing ROS

Virtualizing ROS

UPDATE: ROS Fuerte was released on April 2012. You might want use a more recent version of ROS: ROS Hydro Medusa (released on September 2013): Virtual Machine with ROS Hydro Medusa Pre-Installed. Install procedure unchanged. ROS Groovy Galapagos (released on December 2012): Ready to Use Virtualized ROS Groovy. Install procedure unchanged. If you want to […]

ROS Networking

ROS Networking

Today, we describe how to use ROS Fuerte over the network and have a couple of ROS nodes running on different machines. We assume that you had successfully installed ROS and that you tested it on a single PC by running some tutorials. We also assume that you are running ROS on a PC with […]

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