Category: DIY & Tutorials

Jimmy the 3D Printed Open Source Humanoid Robot Alternative to Nao

Jimmy the 3D Printed Open Source Humanoid Robot Alternative to Nao

There is no doubt that the future of robotics is 3D printing and open-source license for both software and hardware. Such robots are already a reality as we had already reported. This group of alternatives to Nao the humanoid from Aldebaran Robotics has grown a little more bigger with advent of Jimmy (see Videos 1, […]

Virtual Machine with ROS Hydro Medusa Pre-Installed

Virtual Machine with ROS Hydro Medusa Pre-Installed

It’s now our tradition to issue virtual machines with ROS pre-installed. We have already done it for ROS Fuerte and for ROS Groovy. Today it is ROS Hydro’s turn. We have chosen to stick with Ubunutu 12.04. (Precise). This is because 12.04 is an LTS version, which means Long-Term Support. The Ubuntu community will be […]

A Robotic Elevator using Lego & Arduino – Part 4

A Robotic Elevator using Lego & Arduino – Part 4

Part 1: Mechanical Design Basics. Part 2: Balancing the Elevator. Part 3: Electronics (optocoupler, H-Bridge, and more). Part 4 (current): Software to control the Arduino. In this last part, we will be describing the Arduino software that controls our Lego elevator. But, let’s first define the desired behavior. As we have described in the part […]

Make Robots that Maximize Their Future Options

Make Robots that Maximize Their Future Options

One of the challenges that thinkers have been facing for decades is defining intelligence. Without such a definition, it’s hard to measure intelligence or to make truly intelligent robots. In his TED talk (see Video below), Alex Wissner-Gross introduces an equation that is supposed to provide a concrete, yet general answer. Wissner-Gross defines intelligence as […]

A Robotic Elevator using Lego & Arduino – Part 3

A Robotic Elevator using Lego & Arduino – Part 3

Part 1: Mechanical Design Basics. Part 2: Balancing the Elevator. Part 3 (current): Electronics (optocoupler, H-Bridge, and more). Part 4: Software to control the Arduino. In the first two parts of this series, we have introduced the mechanics of our Lego-based elevator and we discussed how to balance it to lift some load. Today, we […]

Free Online Course on Control of Mobile Robots

Free Online Course on Control of Mobile Robots

Wanna learn how to make mobile robots? This free online course entitled “Control of Mobile Robots” is for you (see Video 1). The tutor is Dr. Magnus Egerstedt, a Professor in Georgia Tech’s School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. For 7 weeks, he will be introducing concepts from control theory, and how to map them […]

A Robotic Elevator using Lego & Arduino – Part2

A Robotic Elevator using Lego & Arduino – Part2

Part 1: Mechanical Design Basics. Part 2 (current): Balancing the Elevator. Part 3: Electronics (optocoupler, H-Bridge, and more). Part 4: Software to control the Arduino. In the first part of this series, we introduced the core structure of our elevator. But, we aren’t done yet with the mechanics. As shown in Video 1, our initial […]

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