Review of Roomba e5 Vacuum Robot by iRobot – Pros and Cons

Roomba e5 is a Wi-Fi connected robot vacuum by iRobot, released late 2018. This is the first born of the e-Series introduced in the video below. In this review, we  analyze Roomba e5 performances with respect to different homes and user expectations.


The table below lists all specifications we expect from best vacuum robots. For each feature, we give the corresponding value for Roomba e5.

Some features,  are either present or missing. The value is Yes if the feature is present in Roomba e5, as with High Performance Filter. If the feature is missing, the value is No. This is the case of Systematic Navigation, since Roomba follows a random navigation pattern, bouncing on furniture and walls.

Other features have numeric values, such as Suction Power. Measurements show that Roomba e5 reaches  900 Pa. This is an average value, but it’s not the only criterion for cleaning performance. Other features such as Brush Adaptive Height, allow the e5 to better pick up dirt using it’s main double brushes. Indeed, they adjust height depending on the kind of floor: hardwood, tiles, thin carpet, or thick carpet.

Specs of Roomba e5 Systematic NavigationNo Dirt SensorAdvanced Dustbin Capacity500ml High Performance FilterYes Smartphone AppYes Boundary Marker1 Beacon Battery Runtime90min Flat FrontNo Self ChargingYes Suction Power900Pa Cliff SensorYes Selective Room CleaningNo Side Brushes1pcs SchedulingYes Voice CommandAmazon Alexa, Google Assistant Self CleaningNo Recharge & ResumeNo Main BrushTangle Free Multi-Floor Maps0pcs Noise Level65db Brush Adaptive HeightYes

Pros and Cons

Features for Excellent Cleaning Performance

From the list below we can see that the main brush system is definitely one of the major strengths of Roomba e5. The double counter-rotating brushes minimize maintenance by avoiding hair getting twisted around. Besides, the brushes height is adjusted automatically to best fit the kind floor being cleaned. It is lowered on hard floors and raised on thick carpets.

Another interesting feature of the Roomba e5 is the advanced dirt sensor. It makes Roomba detect dirtiest areas, and spend more time cleaning them. Combined with the 90 min battery autonomy and the adaptive brush height, these features allow for excellent cleaning performance (see video below).

Compatible with Amazon Alexa & Google Home

Other features such as the high performance filter, and Wifi connectivity. This latter allows to control Roomba e5, and schedule cleaning either via the iRobot HOME app for iPhone and Android, or via voice command. Indeed, as with all recent Roomba series, the e5 is compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. So, you can talk to your Roomba. He can answer back and report its status.

iRobot Roomba e5Buy from Amazon
Roomba e5

Few Cons

Roomba e5 have 3 main weaknesses. The first one, concerns Roomba’s virtual wall. This is a battery powered boundary marker. It emits a infra-red light that signals to Roomba an area to avoid. Unfortunately, you’ll find only one of these beacons in the box. Luckily, you can buy more if you want to avoid Roomba going to more than one spot.

The second cons is the relatively small dustbin. You’ll have to frequently empty it, especially if you have pets.

The last limitation is related to the unability of Roomba e5 to accurately localize itself. Although it manages to go back to its charging station, it cannot find its way to a specific place. Hence the impossibility to resume cleaning after recharge. It will however go for a new cleaning cycle, for every slot you might have scheduled.

Summary & Recommendations

Roomba e5 gathers a interesting set of features such as a high performance filter, the main’s brush adaptive height, and the iRobot patented advanced dirt sensor. This is why it gets 62% for cleaning performance in homes with pets or people suffering for allergy. This good score is the result of the ability of the e5 to almost all debris and hair on all kinds of floors including thick carpets. 

However, Roomba e5 is not suitable for large homes, as shown by its poor score: 35%. The good battery 90 minutes autonomy is partially wasted, because of the random navigation pattern. Roomba e5 is unable to recharge and resume cleaning, a must-have feature for large homes. If you have a big house with wide rooms or multiple floor, better go for another vacuum robot such as the the high-end Roomba i7+

To sum up, Roomba e5 is a good pick for dog and cat owners. Users living in small houses or condominiums are happy with the performances, given the price ($450). Indeed, the e5 gets a good score for affordability and user satisfaction: 60%.

Pets & Allergy
Good 62%
Large Homes
Bad 35%
Affordability & User Satisfaction
Good 60%
iRobot Roomba e5Buy from Amazon
Roomba e5


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