Star Wars Gifts Can Be Useful: Pick Ones With THE Force Included!

Not all Star Wars gifts are created equal! Some are more useful than others. The ones with THE force survive the fade of the coolness and the enthusiasm driven by the “Last Jedi”. They will be in use a long time after Christmas.
The Darth Vader and Stormtrooper robotic vacuums are examples of such gifts. On the usefulness side, they automatically take care of the cleaning. The Star Wars theme is obvious from the look. But, it is even better when you hear the robotic vacuum breathing are talking just Darth Vader. Checkout the video.
Video 1: Star Wars Vacuum Robots by Samsung

Darth Vader Vacuum Robot

Stormtrooper Vacuum Robot
Miniature droids make also a good gift. Of course it is fun to control R2D2 and his friends using a smartphone. The motion and the sounds are very realistic. Besides, different games are available on smartphone and tablet.
But, don’t mistake these droids for simple toys. Because, they are programmable. So, one can have fun while learning to code. The programming can be done in 3 different ways, designed for learner progression.
- Beginners simply draw paths that represent code for their robot to follow.
- Intermediate coders can utilize the block-based drag and drop interface.
- Advanced programmers can use JavaScript and write advanced text-based programs.
Video 2: Sphero R2D2 Demo by the Sphero Founder Adam Wilson
Video 3: BB-9E Review
Video 4: These Are The Star Wars Droids You’re Looking For: BB-8, BB-9E, and R2D2 by Sphero

R2D2 Sphero

BB-9E Sphero

BB-8 Sphero
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